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San Francisco Bay Area (510) 429-1300
Nampa, ID (208) 985-4849

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Author: Linzi Del Conte

Fall Cleanup, Use Mulch to Winterize Your Garden for the Upcoming Winter Months

The best time to apply winter mulch is just after the first hard frost. By putting mulch down at this time, you will help stabilize the temperature of the soil right around freezing.  Applying mulch too soon may delay freezing and encourage swelling and thawing.  Vision Recycling provides affordable ground cover at its Nampa branch. Ask Roy!

Warm soil means organisms stay active longer into the cold season, improving your soil. Mulching is one of the best lines of defense for perennial plants against chilling temperatures. This can also prevent the repeated freezing and thawing of soil that causes plants to heave out of the ground.  

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Association of Compost Producers

On Wednesday May 2nd members of the Association of Compost Producers traveled to our state’s capital to meet with assembly people and senators to “Spread The Gospel” about financial allocations for Compost and Organics diversion.  Vision’s Andrew Tuckman and Adan Rodriguez joined others to inform state politicians about the need for Organics infrastructure including new facilities and developing markets around the state of California. “We’re doing our part, now we need California to step up even further to provide what is necessary for achieving its goals” said Dan Noble of the ACP. The message was heard throughout the halls of the capital building loud & clear. Members of the group had little, round compost stickers on their lapels telling anyone who would listen that the governor must allocate more money if we are really going to get serious about composting. Our soil’s health, pending landfill closures, the local crops, greenhouse gas emissions, storm water and our communities depend on it.   

Alameda County Search & Rescue K-9 Training at Vision’s Newark Facility

Rescue training requires hands-on experience for Alameda Search & Rescue. Vision Recycling’s facility in Newark had the pleasure of hosting Alameda’s K-9 search unit. On Sunday August 23rd fire crews safely hid their team members in the green and wood debris piles so that dogs could try and find them. Watch this video to see the results.

Apple in San Jose Chooses Vision Comp for their large expansion project!

vision recycling client apple inc

This year, Apple in San Jose has been using thousands of yards of Vision Comp as a soil amendment for their large installation project. The landscape team from Brightview who is doing the work say, “Vision Recycling is the top vendor who has material that meets our spec”.  Adan Rodriguez, salesperson from Vision Recycling for the job says, “the product is a rich humus that provides amazing organic matter to the soil. But, photos of the new campus are against protocol, and we hope to see the finished project sometime in the near future”. 

Promoting Compost on a World-Wide Scale

Compost Poster

International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry. It is celebrated nationwide and in other countries each year during the first full week of May. Started in Canada in 1995, ICAW has continued to grow as more people, businesses, municipalities, schools and organizations are recognizing the importance of composting and the long-term benefits from organics recycling. The goal of the program is to raise the awareness of the public regarding the benefits of using compost to improve or maintain high quality soil, to grow healthy plants, reduce the use of fertilizer and pesticides, improve water quality and protect the environment. Each year, a theme is chosen and this year it is Cool The Climate.  Vision Recycling will be offering discounts on compost at participating stores during the first week of May.